Blended Montessori-Creative Technologies approach for successful inclusion in Multicultural Schools

Scratch Conference 2023
Scratch Conference 2023: Discovering Scratch with a Montessori Approach
Scratch Conference 2023, "Generating Creative Connections". This year's theme is inspired by the diverse local networks and hubs of educators, creators, experts and others who are connected by their shared passion for Scratch and ScratchJr, creative learning and coding. This year we are excited to welcome innovators in creative learning and programming from LEGO, Makey Makey, Exploratorium and many other international organizations and educational institutions!What is MONTECH project?
Montech project will foster social inclusion and equity in multicultural schools across Europe through highly innovate and engaging activities based on a new approach that blends the Montessori method with cutting-edge Maker Education learning experiences.
Dr. Jordi Freixenet - Project Coordinator UdG
Sarah Kennedy-Berge - Pedagogical Leader at WATERPARK MONTESSORI INTERNATIONAL
Delia Pirvu- English Teacher at Constantin Ianculescu School
How the MonTech project pursues its goals?
In order to achieve the project goals, MonTech proposes to recover, adapt and transfer a well-known and successful learning method (Montessori) which was originally born to help the poorest children in the slums of Italy, but which today has become mainly associated with private schools and privileged children.
The idea is twofold:
Return the method to its origins, by thinking of how to adapt its creative learning materials to the current multicultural school contexts.
Update the method through technological and digital tools, since over the years it has gradually fallen behind in these aspects.
The idea is that these creative computing tools, added to Montessori, will help to promote learning through play, creative thinking, practical life and will add non-linguistic elements. All these elements are very important in improving refugee/migrant education.

Consortium and associated partners

Some associated partners, mainly teachers of multicultural schools, participated in theTraining of trainers’ event and are already implementing the method and the activities included in the Montech Guide with their children. Our consortium gets feedback from these collaborators and improves the method, and adapts its activities to their reality to guarantee the achievement of the project goals.
Teachers’ training

Teachers from associated partner schools will accompany you in the teacher’s trainings so you can bring to your school a Technology updated and Montessori-based good practice that will help you deal with the diversity in your classroom.
These trainings will be conducted face-to-face in the regions of the associated partner schools and through an e-learning platform for you to participate wherever you are!