On the 9th and 10th of May, the 4th Transnational Meeting of the project was held in Bologna and reunited 20 attendees from the consortium countries and organizations: the University of Girona and Montessori Palau (Spain), Waterpark Montessori International (Ireland and Norway), IEC (UK), ELORIS and Action Synergy (Greece), Liceul Constantin Ianculescu (Romania), CCTA (Bulgaria)and Zaffira Social Cooperation (Italy). The event, hosted by our new partner, Zaffiria, took place in the Alberto Manzi Centre.
On Tuesday the 9th, Montessori experts started reminding the Montessori principles that MonTech relays on self-construction, the relevance of a prepared learning environment and the structure and freedom during the lessons, etc. Then, all consortium members shared their Teacher’s Training experience and the lessons learned from them, as well as their plans for offering more courses in the fall.

In the afternoon, the partnership reviewed the Teacher’s Guide translated it into all the consortium languages and discussed the possibility of creating a third version or promoting its activities. The first day finished with an exhibition of Scratch Jr. materials designed to adapt MonTech activities to early childhood and the challenge to reproduce the Making Faces activity from the guide with Scratch Jr.

On the half day left of the meeting, Wednesday the 10th morning, Colin Isham (external evaluator) communicated the data he had obtained from the pre-training and post-training surveys, the teacher’s log and other evidence. After analysing the tendencies, the consortium discussed what should be the Quality Assurance roadmap for the last months of the project. Then, Dissemination and Sustainability tasks and deliverables were revised with the coordinator team, and bilateral financial meetings were set for the following weeks. Finally, the IP of the project went over all the decisions arranged during the transnational meeting.