After being trained in the MonTech method, the teachers from “El Gegant del Rec” school (Salt, Spain) implemented several workshops included in the project Guidance Book during their Cultural Week (13 to 17 March).
Complementary, UdiGitalEdu prepared and carried out some activities for 4th, 5th and 6th-grade students on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings.
Two groups of 25 children (whole grade) came every morning. For three hours, we held two different workshops: one at the CIRS (Centre for Underwater Robotics Research) at the Science and Technology Park of the University of Girona, and the other at the UdiGitalEdu spaces, at the Narcís Monturiol building. We repeated the activities twice, each lasting an hour and a half so that both groups had the opportunity to do them.
In the underwater robotics workshop, pupils were introduced to the CIRS facilities and could see the underwater robots in the pool. They had the opportunity to remotely control them and also to see them underwater from an underground area. In this way, they had the chance to get to know this fascinating space.

At UdiGitalEdu we conducted workshop 21: Measuring time, which we adapted to each grade. On the three days, we divided the class into two half-groups so that we could work better. We spent about 45 minutes on each workshop activity. On Tuesday, with the 4th grade, we explained the seasons and months using a circle with the corresponding labels, a globe and a lantern (simulating the sun). On Wednesday and Thursday, we built an hourglass with plastic bottles and different materials (sand, quinoa, seeds, salt, etc.). And on all three days, we did a digital activity which consisted of making a stopwatch with Scratch that counted the seconds to the minute.

In addition, the teachers presented activities from the Montech Guidance Book at school during the afternoons. In early childhood education, they carried out the Making Faces with Scratch Junior workshop, and in the lower primary, they used the Micro: bit and Dance Routine. Likewise, they performed the Music and Conductivity workshop in the middle primary and the Art with Scratch activity in the upper primary.